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Teach My Kids Shop

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These resources have been created using my experience as a primary school teacher. They are designed in a way which allows children to understand a specific concept or skill, by being given an example or explanation to follow and activities to complete. The worksheets are clear and simple to follow, many of which have an extension activity.




These resources have been created using my experience as a primary school teacher. They are designed in a way which allows children to understand a specific concept or skill, by being given an example or explanation to follow and activities to complete. The worksheets are clear and simple to follow, many of which have an extension activity.
Phonics- Long Vowel Sounds - 'ue', 'ew' or 'u_e'

Phonics- Long Vowel Sounds - 'ue', 'ew' or 'u_e'

A long ‘u’ sound can be made in 3 ways. Practise and reinforce long vowel sounds for 'u'. Read the words. Draw a line to the correct sound in the word. Words contain the long vowel sound spelt using: 'ue', 'ew' or 'u_e'. Children then colour the: ew words in green, ue words in blue, u-e words in red. Helping them to remember and group words. Ideal for practising and reinforcing phonics, reading and writing.
Phonics - 'ai' or 'oa' Words, Missing Sounds

Phonics - 'ai' or 'oa' Words, Missing Sounds

Look at the picture and fill in the missing sound - is it 'ai' or 'oa'? Read the simple sentences and fill in the missing words. Write a simple sentence for each of these words: rain boat daisy road Helps to extend vocabulary and phonic knowledge. Can be used to support work in the classroom, as a consolidation activity, or as homework.
Alphabet, Keywords, Common Blends Handwriting, Reading  and Writing Packs

Alphabet, Keywords, Common Blends Handwriting, Reading and Writing Packs

3 Resources
Ideal resource for Early Years and Key Stage 1. Incorporating handwriting, reading and writing. Wide range of worksheets covering all the letters of the alphabet, keywords, high frequency words and common letter blends. Learning to Read & Write packs encourage children to write words and simple sentences.
Phonics and Sentence Writing Packs

Phonics and Sentence Writing Packs

3 Resources
High quality worksheets to improve sentence writing in Key Stage 1 and lower Key Stage 2. Packs combine phonics, high frequency words and conjunctions to write and extend sentences. Can be used as homework, reinforce and revise what has been taught in class.
Spellings Tests Pack 1, Keywords and Common Letter Strings - KS1

Spellings Tests Pack 1, Keywords and Common Letter Strings - KS1

28 tests. Each test has 9 words. Can be used for weekly tests or homework. A method of learning spellings is provided to help children at home. Includes keywords and common spelling patterns. Ideal for children aged between 5 and 7 years old. Covers the spellings requirements of the National Curriculum and reinforces phonics taught at school. Helps children practise spelling rules. Spelling Tests 1 – 12 (Keywords) Spelling Test 13 (-tch) Spelling Test 14 (igh) Spelling Test 15 (ore) Spelling Test 16 (ending in y) Spelling Test 17 (compound words) Spelling Test 18 (ph) Spelling Test 19 (un) Spelling Test 20 (wr) Spelling Test 21 (silent k) Spelling Test 22 (-le) Spelling Test 23 (-el) Spelling Test 24 (-al) Spelling Test 25 (-mb) Spelling Test 26 (-dge) Spelling Test 27 (-ey) Spelling Test 28 (contractions)
Spellings Pack - National Curriculum Keywords and Spelling Patterns

Spellings Pack - National Curriculum Keywords and Spelling Patterns

3 Resources
This set of 3 packs can be used to provide whole school spellings. Covers National Curriculum keywords and common spelling patterns required for key stages 1 and 2. Can be used as weekly spelling tests. Includes opportunities for children to develop a method for learning spellings. Pack 3 contains extension activities.
Phonics Worksheets Pack 2 (common blends, digraphs, rhyming, initial sounds)

Phonics Worksheets Pack 2 (common blends, digraphs, rhyming, initial sounds)

28 visually engaging, quality worksheets. Created to help children learn to read and write words phonetically, including letter sounds, common blends and digraphs. The pack also shows how rhyming words can be used to help with spellings. Sounds practised include: ck, ff ll ss, b or d?, ch, sh, th, ng, short oo, long oo, st, ee, ai, oa, oi, or, igh, ed, at, og, Worksheets include: CVC Words Sounding Out Words Phonics (various worksheets covering the following sounds) - ck, ff ll ss, b or d?, ch, sh, th, ng, short oo, long oo, st, ee) Writing ee and ai Words Writing igh Words Phonics - ai and oa oi and or Sounding Out Words Rhyming Words - og at ed Sound Flashcards
Phonics Worksheets, Pack 3 (common blends, digraphs, vowel sounds alternatives...)

Phonics Worksheets, Pack 3 (common blends, digraphs, vowel sounds alternatives...)

29 quality worksheets, with clear examples and explanations. Read and write words phonetically, including common blends, digraphs and vowel sound alternatives. The pack also shows how rhyming and sounding out words can be used to help with spellings. Sounds practised include: sh, ch, th, fl, st, br, tr, cl, long oo or short oo, ay, ow, sp, sm, sn, qu, str, mp, nd, air, ear, er, ou, ow, oi, oy, real/nonsense words, ake, ock, ad, ate, ine, eep, ice, ook Worksheets include: sh, ch, th Words fl, st, br, tr, cl Words Phonics - long oo or short oo ay ow sp, sm, sn Word-Building - qu str mp, nd Phonics – Missing Sounds in Words Phonics - air, ear, er ou, ow oi, oy Sounding Out Words - Spellings Rhyming Words - real/nonsense words ake ock ad ate ine eep ice ook Long Vowel Sounds - individual worksheets covering each vowel sound Phonics - individual worksheets covering vowel sounds alternatives Sound Flashcards
Learning To Read & Write - Pack 1 (keywords and common blends)

Learning To Read & Write - Pack 1 (keywords and common blends)

10 activities to further develop reading and writing skills in Early Years and KS1. Keywords and common blends. Many children will learn to read simple and more unusual, or difficult words before they can write these words. Their reading will develop quicker than their writing. When a child learns to read they will be blending sounds together to read the word, some words they will know by sight (these are words that can’t always be sounded out to read e.g. one, are, all etc). When a child is learning to write they have many more things to focus on. The process is a bit more complicated. For each word they write, they need to: - know what they want to write - spell the word / words e.g. by sounding out - associate the sounds in each word to a letter/ letters - hold a pencil - use the pencil to form the letters
Writing Better Sentences - Pack 2 (Extending Sentences)

Writing Better Sentences - Pack 2 (Extending Sentences)

10 Quality Activities, with answers included, to help children extend their sentences. Improve sentence writing skills. The words used within this pack include those that can be sounded out phonetically, words that children will need to learn by sight and high frequency words (most commonly used words). Activities within the pack will help children read simple sentences. The pack will also help children write longer sentences and make them more interesting. Activities 1: Extending sentences using Who, What, Where, When Activities 2 – 4: Joining sentences using ‘and’ Activities 5 - 7: Extending sentences using ‘because’ Activities 8 - 10: Extending sentences using ‘but’
Learning To Read & Write - Pack 2 (keywords, common blends, high frequency words)

Learning To Read & Write - Pack 2 (keywords, common blends, high frequency words)

10 activities to further develop their reading and writing for Early Years and Key Stage 1. Covers keyword requirements form the National Curriculum. Helping to develop reading, writing, punctuation and spelling skills. The key words provided can be cut out and used as flash cards to help children read and recognise the word. They can use each word individually to practise writing it. The sound cards can be cut out and used as flashcards. Continually repeating sounds can help children automatically read words that contain these sounds. Once they can do this, children should be encouraged to read the word straight off without sounding out. Making rhyming word lists can help children with their spellings. For each word they write, they need to: - know what they want to write - spell the word / words e.g. by sounding out - associate the sounds in each word to a letter/ letters - hold a pencil - use the pencil to form the letters
Phonics Worksheets Packs

Phonics Worksheets Packs

3 Resources
3 quality worksheet packs. Containing many highly engaging worksheets, with clear examples. Covering National Curriculum requirements for Early Years and key stage 1 for phonics and keywords. Can be used for homework, reinforcement, or as an activity during class.
Phonics - Long Vowel Sound 'ai' or 'a-e', Spelling Strategies

Phonics - Long Vowel Sound 'ai' or 'a-e', Spelling Strategies

Practise identifying words with the long vowel sound for 'a'. Read the words. Draw a line to the correct sound in the word. Then write all the ‘ai’ words in one list and all the 'a-e' words in another list. Ideal for practising reading/writing and reinforcing words with long vowel sounds.
Phonics - Long Vowel Sounds 'oa' and 'o-e', Spelling Strategies

Phonics - Long Vowel Sounds 'oa' and 'o-e', Spelling Strategies

Practise and reinforce long vowel sounds for 'o'. Read the words and circle them in a different colour for each sound. Words used contain the long vowel sound spelt using: 'oa' and 'o_e'. Then sort them into 2 groups. Helping them to remember and group words. Extension activity: They can then choose four words and write a sentence for each word. Ideal for practising and reinforcing phonics, reading and writing.
Phonics -  Word Building 2 - Using Digraphs to Build Words

Phonics - Word Building 2 - Using Digraphs to Build Words

By joining together digraphs, we can make words. Children start by saying the digraphs in the bubbles. For each word, they say the beginning and the end of the word. Then say the sounds together. Write the complete word. Can they think of any more words that begin with these sounds? Helps build children's vocabulary and knowledge of phonics. Helps with writing words using consonant digraphs and digraphs.
Writing Better Sentences - Pack 1 (Tricky Phonic Sounds, High Frequency Words)

Writing Better Sentences - Pack 1 (Tricky Phonic Sounds, High Frequency Words)

10 Quality KS1 Activities with answers included, to help children improve their sentence writing skills. The words used within this pack include those that can be sounded out phonetically, words that children will need to learn by sight and high frequency words (most commonly used words). Activities within the pack will help children read words, use them within simple sentences and how to extend sentences to make them more interesting. Activities 1-6: Recognising sounds (hard and soft sounds, long and short sounds) and rhyming strings - 'o'sound - 'g'sound - 'c'sound - 'ea'sound - 'ow'sound - rhyming strings 'at' 'all' 'ake' 'ain' 'ight' Activities 7 – 9: Reading words and writing simple sentences Activity 10: Extending sentences to make them more interesting